Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2009

Great Year Blues

High on a Throne of Royal State, which far
Outshon the wealth of ORMUS and of IND,
Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand
Showrs on her Kings BARBARIC Pearl and Gold,
Satan exalted sat, by merit rais'd
To that bad eminence; and from despair
Thus high uplifted beyond hope,... Milton Paradise Lost

As i was at Bristol Uni many years ago;-) , we read John Milton's Paradise Lost and were asked to write an essay about whether Milton was not on the side of the evil Satan. Satan is such a human and sympathetic character in Paradise Lost. Satan was a son of God who was ambitious and dared to wish to improve his condition further by overtaking his father's throne in heaven. For this rebellion his father threw him out of heaven and with the other rebellious angels he fell, imprisoned in hell, chained to a burning lake.
Satan's fall was merely a precursor of our own. Satan was once in heaven and through his rebellion against God fell down into hell. We too rebelled by eating a forbidden fruit. Here Satan as a snake helped pull us down.
We were cut off from God and doomed to die, and give birth in pain. We too in a sense have fallen from heaven into a hell on Earth. Therefore it is no wonder, if one believes this that one sees a parallel between these two falls: that of Satan and of humanity.
The idea is not really new. In the East the Jains and Vedic Indians remember a time when there was a Heaven on Earth as well: the Satya Yuga or Golden Age. Then too we lived in a paradise from which we have fallen. In fact this idea that we have fallen from a better original condition is found all over the world.
If one understands the Great Year cycle, which requires a re-membering of the Galactic Centre, then it is no wonder we feel the blues sometimes, for if our blood remembers its great fall and the truth of where we are now, it may easily become hopeless. This is no mere chemical insufficiency caused by a bad diet, painful birth or unhappy childhood.
Yes of course all these things are on the rise, as mothers smoke and drink before giving birth to children they did not bear naturally or feed naturally or love naturally and each must fight and waork in a world full of war and lies and cruelty in which money is god and brings hope of survival, this even enraged Jesus who saw how the wish fulfilling trees of ancient times were no lpnger producing fruit. He cursed a fig tree for not producing figs as the fruit represented the spirit of the people, he goes after and throws down the tables of the money earners in the temple of the Lord. But the reason behind all these sorrows is the position we are in at the end of the Great Year cycle. We have arrived at the winter solstice of the Great Year cycle. However, because all is cyclic, this deepest darkest point is also the time shortly befor the return of good, the return of Christ also known by many other names, also Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan.
Further and more difficult to believe for brains struggling to avoid awareness, which awareness would flood them at the same momet with our whole agony and suffering history, our fated condition chained to a burning lake, forced to delude ourselves that we have created heaven on earth and everything is good.
The truth is that Satan- Lucifer falls and rises in Great Year cycles. As he rises he creates the Golden Age, for he is a mountain of fire, which fire always represented the godly, he is the First Father, Ptah the volcano god, and the dwelling of the god of fire known to our ancestors was once a world mountain - a volcano. This mountain of Saturn and the Golden Age grew up until its head was high in the heavens but then it erupted and warred with the heavens and was thrown down. That was when we lost our paradise in Indonesia, as we lost the world mountain Meru that once existed at the equator and is now returning from below the Indian Ocean close to where the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami occurred on 26th December 2004.
Indonesia is where the child will be born, the Bible tells us the end time sorrows are birth pains, they will birth the Christ also known in the east as Kalki who will ride great tsunami waves when he rises in Indonesia. The story of the Great Year cycle is elemental, a story of a rise and fall that again leads to a rise. It is the climax of Revelation where the whore (goddess) sits on the seven isles (Indonesia) and the beast that was and is not volcanically returns from below the Indian ocean close to 90 ° east. We end the fall caused by a woman, the end of the Yin descending phase. The good Yang will be born of it in the Isle of Fire, in the Ring of Fire, we will rise again to a Golden Age, a new world mountain and our blues will disappear as we see the shining new Jerusalem -bride will be built.

Sometimes allowing oneself to feel depressed is a measure of self respect and strength, a nearness to truth which superficial people are avoiding with lies.